Information Gathering using Metasploit
In this post, You will learn how to do Information gathering using Metasploit and yes it is possible to gather information using Metasploit.
Information gathering using Metasploit
The base for any successful hacking is information gathering, It can be passive or active information gathering and the Metasploit comes with pre-installed tools which can perform information gathering.
The Metasploit can do Information gathering such as;
- Port Scanning
- Hunting for MSSQL
- Service Identification
- Password Sniffing
- SNMP sweeping
Port Scanning
To do port scanning in Metasploit just search for the port scan Module like this ????????
search portscan

use <module name> set rhost <target IP> run

If you want to know to how to perform all these;
- Hunting for MSSQL
- Service Identification
- Password Sniffing
- SNMP sweeping
Then take a look at the video format of the post, See you in next blog post.